You’ll Make 905.03% ROI By Investing In My New Ad Strategies Inside This Box - I Guarantee It & Stand Behind It!

This black box contains all the strategies, frameworks and standard operating procedures I’ve created to scale BIG SPENDS profitably for people like Frank Kern, Sam Ovens, Tony Robbins, Neil Patel & more in my advertising agency…
Here’s Proof These Strategies Have Made Sam Ovens More Than $6 Million!
Here’s the thing:
You don’t have to be some “guru” for this stuff to work!
In fact:
These simple systems can be applied to your campaigns immediately to produce results on every major ad network (Facebook, Google, YouTube and more)!
And the best part?
You don’t need to be a writer…
You don’t need technical skills…
You don’t need any previous experience…
And you don’t need huge piles of cash…
The reason I’ve been able to help thousands of people create profitable ads since 2013 is simple:
I’m in the trenches every day spending ungodly amounts of money…
And I develop unique ways to beat whatever the ad networks throw my way so I can make my clients the profits they demand!
I publish my findings in my Profit Playbook…
And make that available through my Academy Of Advertising Profit Society.
Here’s What’s Inside The Profit Playbook:
1. How To Convert & Scale Paid Traffic Today 2.0 ($1,995 Value)
This is a 6 part foundational training that covers the JH Media methodology responsible for generating over $100 million in sales for my clients.
You’ll discover:
- How to plan your campaigns for profit and scale BEFORE launching! You’ll be able to side-step the money making pitfalls that kill most businesses…
- How to develop your offer so people want to buy what you’re selling! You’ll discover how to structure and price for maximum sales and profitability…
- How to develop your ideal customer’s conversion journey. You’ll discover the fastest, easiest and most profitable way to convert YOUR OFFER for YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER!
- How to conduct concept testing so you can prove your ideas. You’ll get frameworks for making key financial decisions when testing with paid traffic.
- How to optimize offers, funnels and ads so you can reach your profit goals! You’ll get the step-by-step systems I’ve developed to scale client’s campaigns to as much as $143,000 in ONE DAY of profitable spend!
- How to maintain and scale profitable ad campaigns! You’ll discover the strategies I use to maximize profits at scale – month in and month out – for YEARS (I’ve run campaigns for as long as 3 years profitably)
2. The Playbook Strategy Guide ($995 Value)
The 21 dynamic ad strategies inside this guide are designed to solve every problem you could face once you “hit publish” on your campaigns.
You can use this guide to instantly make the in-game decisions needed to profitably scale. Here’s a few of the solutions in this guide:
- Never Get Stuck Writing High Converting Ads Again! You Get My 12 Million Dollar Creative Frameworks To Quickly Make Profit Generating Ads – Even If You “Suck At Writing”!
- Finally! Targeting Simplified: You Get My Solid Gold Targeting System to find your ideal customers across the web, no matter how “tiny” your market – using a few clicks!
- Say Goodbye To Tech Problems Forever! You Get My 6 Million Dollar “Game Plan” Funnel Templates Injected Into Your Drop Funnels Account. If You Can Click A Mouse, You Can Edit These Templates. Use These With Ads To Increase Conversion & Day 1 ROAS Now!
- How To Take The Confusion Out Of The Ads Managers So You Don’t Waste Time!
- How To Write Compliant Copy That Converts So You Don’t Have Ad Disapprovals & Account Shut Downs!
- How To Get Consistent, Profitable Performance For Your Campaigns (Even While Scaling) By Using Our Proprietary “Playbook” So You Can Have Peace Of Mind Knowing Your Bank Account Is Growing!
- Scale Your Ads To The Moon! You’ll Get The Legendary 3D Profit Scaling System Responsible For Scaling One Client’s Account To $143,000/day Spend With $519,000/Day Revenue Generated. You Can Use This Easy-Peasy System To Finally Scale Without Losing Money.
- Discover How To Write “A-Player Copy” That Sells – Even If You Flunked High School English!
- Master The Art Of Persuasion! – Without Spending More On Ads!
- Eliminate Guesswork From Managing Your Campaigns! You’ll Get My “Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light” System To Evaluate Your Campaigns. This Brain-Dead Simple System Will Tell You Exactly What To Do With Every Ad So You Can Make Profitable Decisions In Minutes.
- How To Reduce Your Refund Rate To Less Than 5% So You Can Instantly Increase Profits 10-20% – Without Spending More Money On Ads Or Working One Minute More Than You Already Do!
- How To Develop A Profitable Multi-Channel Ad Strategy For Any Online Business Model! You’ll Never Have To Figure Out How To Make Your Ads Pay Again…
- How To Add 20-50% More Revenue Within The Next 30 Days By Deploying My “Follow Up Until They Buy, Die Or Tell You To Go To Hell Method” So You Can Convert More Of Your Existing Leads Into Sales!
- How To Create 5-6 Figure Sales Surges Every Quarter – Without Buying Ads – Using My Advanced Holiday Email Marketing Campaign Templates!
- How To Do Your Annual Media Buying Planning & Marketing Calendar So You Can Forecast Your Profit & Avoid The Anxiety Of Doing Things Last Minute!
- How To 2-3x Your Sales Within 7 Days By Deploying My “Holy Crap, You’re Everywhere!” Retargeting System
When I created the Profit Playbook, I wanted EVERY possible scenario I’ve ever seen with making ads profitable covered…
Which is why you’ll also get this:
3. Advanced Strategies, SOP’s & Frameworks Guide ($995 Value)
This advanced guide is broken up into seven different sections that cover:
- Offer creation standard operating procedures (SOPs) so you can set up profitable offers just like my other clients.
- Funnel SOPs so you can set up the right conversion journey for your product or service. You’ll maximize conversion and profit using these strategies and systems.
- Ad creation frameworks. You’ll get 12 different advanced ad frameworks you can use for cold traffic, warm traffic and retargeting traffic so you never get stuck figuring out what to say or how to say it in your ads!
- Campaign launch frameworks. You’ll get a variety of ways to set up and launch campaigns depending on their purpose. This way you’ll never wonder what settings to use ever again!
- Campaign optimization SOPs. You’ll get the exact workflow my team and I use every day to cut losers, identify winners and make campaigns more profitable!
- Scaling strategies. You’ll discover how to scale your campaigns and maintain profits using my proprietary 3D Profit Scaling system.
- Campaign maintenance strategies. You’ll get the step-by-step processes I use to KEEP profits coming in every day for my clients (sometimes longer than 3 years!).
Now if all this inside the Profit Playbook weren’t enough…
Here’s How You Can Get The Profit Playbook, TODAY
I’m no guru so let me tell it to you straight…
The Profit Playbook is NOT for sale!
The ONLY way to get The Profit Playbook is to join my Academy Of Advertising (AOA) Profit Society team…
Reading the letter on the next page will make it very clear if Profit Society is right for you.
And for a limited time — yes it’s really limited — you can join the AOA Profit Society team and get access to The Profit Playbook…
Along with help from me with your campaigns…
For less than a dark roast at Starbucks each day!
So click that button below to get started right now…
Don’t Forget: I GUARANTEE The Results With Your Ads If You Use The Profit Playbook, Because It Flat Out Works!
I don’t care if you run ecomm ads, sell supplements, get leads for financial advisors, sell info products, or run a high-ticket coaching program…
…these strategies are battle tested so you’ll have the right play for every situation you encounter, period.
Read the letter on the next page to see if you’re READY to scale your ads profitably.
To the victor belong the spoils,
Jason Hornung